FAPedaTM (Flow Analysis Program)
FAPedaTM (Flow Analysis Program for Engineering Design & Analysis) is a computer code which has been developed by EDA Ltd. Co. to solve steady and unsteady internal and external flow problems. It is a very fast and reliable flow analysis program by its parallel computing capability and implicit time integration feature. Relative coordinates and ALE formulation with dynamic deforming mesh algorithms make it a powerful tool for moving boundary problems. It can be used for store separation and rotary fluid machinery problems.
Major Features
- Spatial Integration :
- Tetrahedral volume centered Finite Volume Method
- Time Integration
- Explicit : Runge – Kutta
- Implicit : Backwards Euler
- Upwind :
- Roe Flux differences (Flux difference)
- Van – Leer flux vector (Flux splitting)
- Flux Limiters
- Van – Albada
- Minmod
- Muscl-Differencing
Figure 1. Solution of Store separation Problem (Mesh and Mach Number distribution)
- Parallel Computing
- Domain decomposition
- MPI (Message Passing Interface)
- Solution-Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Artificial compressibility
- Preconditioning
- overlap = overset = chimera
- Turbulence
- Spalart Almaras
- Wall function
- In the next version (soon)
- KE (Abid)
- KW (Wilkox 98)
- HRLES (Hybrid RANS – LES)
- Moving Boundary Solutions
- ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) Formulation
- Relative coordinate formulation
- Geometric conservation
- Dynamically adaptive grid
- Sliding Grid
- Integrated 6DOF solver
- Dynamic Overset Mesh
- Dynamic Mesh Blanking
- Dynamic locally mesh controlling-repairing-generating
- Dual time integration for time accuracy
Figure 2. CFD analysis of an aircraft (partitioned mesh for parallel computing and Mach Number distibution)
- Quick steady state solutions due to implicit integration feature (CFL=200, 30-50 iterations)
- Large time increment capability due to implicit integration feature
- Accurate viscous solutions even if using a small number of elements including unstructured high aspect ratio tetrahedrons (AR=1/12000) and few elements near the wall.
- Precision (Verified with experimental results)
- For even huge mesh, very low cost and quick solution due to its parallel solution capability on PC clusters
- Parallel efficiency has been successfully tested on the world’s largest grid system (TERAGRID)
- Customization on demand
Figure 3. The CFD solution of the ONERA “Lenticular Body” missile geometry. Upper-Left: Unstructured mesh, Upper-Right: Vortex distribution on the Body, Lower-left: sight view of Iso-Mach contours, lower-Right: top view of Iso-Mach contours.
Some Sample Applications :
- External store carriage and release (store separation)
- Flow around an airplane (including rotary parts or jet engine)
- Flow around a missile (including spinning and pitching)
- Flow around a helicopter (including rotary parts)
- Turbine Flow (rotary, tip clearance, compressor interference)
- Compressor Flow
- Dynamic damping coefficient calculations
- Flow around a car
- Pump flow
- Wind turbines
Figure 4. CFD analysis of an internal combustion engine
Figure 5. Unstructured mesh and stagnation pressure contours to show interactions of vortices emanating from body, canard and tail fins. Post process studies have been performed by using CAEedaTM . |