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- Akay, H.U., Oktay, E.,Manguoglu, M., Sivas, A. A., ” Improved Parallel Preconditioners for Multi-physics Topology Optimization”, Parallel CFD’15, 17-22, 2015, Montreal, Canada.
- Oktay, E., Akay, H., U., Sehitoglu, O., T., ” Three-dimensional Structural Topology Optimization of Aerial Vehicles Under Aerodynamic Loads”, Computer & Fluids, Vol. 92, 2014, pp.225-232.
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- Akay, H., Oktay, E., “Development of Integrated Engineering Analysis and Design Tools From Solid Modeling to Design Optimization “, Parallel CFD’13, 20-24 Mayıs, 2013, Changsha, China.
- Oktay, E., Akargün, Ö., Işık, S., Oktay, F., “Hava Araçları Aerodinamik Şekil Optimizasyonu için Kavramsal Tasarım Aracı “, SAVTEK2012, 20-22 Haziran, 2012, Ankara.
- Oktay, E., Akay, H., “Yapısal Sistemlerin Yoğunluk Değişimi Yönetimi ile Topoloji Optimizasyonu “, SAVTEK2012, 20-22 Haziran, 2012, Ankara.
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- Oktay, E., Akay, H., “Structural Topology Optimizations Under Aerodynamic Loads Using PETSc as Parallel Solver”, Parallel CFD’12, May 21-25, Atlanta, USA.
- Oktay, E., Akay, H., Merttopcuoglu, O., “Parallelized Structural Topology Optimization and CFD Coupling for Design of Aircraft Wing Structures “, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 49, October 2011, pp 141-145.
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- Oktay, E., Merttopcuoglu, O., “Combined Trajectory And Airframe Shape Optimization Of A Missile Using Parallel Genetic Algorithms”, AIAC-2007-085, Ankara International Aerospace Conference, August September 10-12, 2007, Ankara, Turkey.
- Oktay, E., Merttopcuoglu, O., Akay, H., “An Approach for Parallel CFD Solutions of Moving Boundary Problems,” Parallel CFD 07, May 21-24, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
- Akay, H.U., Baddi A., Oktay, E., “Large-Scale Parallel Computations Of Solid-Fluid Interaction Problems For Aeroelastic Flutter Predictions”, AIAC-2005-002, Ankara International Aerospace Conference, August 22-25, 2005, Ankara, Turkey.
- Akgun, M. A., Kavukcuoglu, K., Oktay, E., “An Uncoupled Procedure For Wing Flutter Analysis”, AIAC-2005-089, Ankara International Aerospace Conference, August 22-25, 2005, Ankara, Turkey.
- Payli, R., Akay, H.U., Baddi, A., Yilmaz, E., Ecer, A. and Oktay, E. “CFD Applications of TeraGrid,” Proceedings of Parallel CFD 05, May 24-27,2005, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. Edited by A. Deane, et al., Elsevier Science, 2005.
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- Akay, H. U., Oktay E., Li Z., He X., “Parallel Computing For Aeroelasticity Problems,” AIAA Paper 2003-3511, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 23-27, 2003, Orlando, Florida, United States.
- Akay, H. U., Oktay, E., “Parallel Adaptivity for Solution of Euler Equations Using Unstructured Meshes,” Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics – New Frontiers and Multi-Disciplinary Applications, K. Matsuno, et al. (Editors), Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2003, pp. 371-378.
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- Oktay, E., Akay, H., U., ” CFD Predictions of Dynamic Derivatives for Missiles,” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. (Accepted for publication)